Instructions for posters

-A poster must have the following maximum dimensions: 120 cm (height) x 90 cm (width).
-It must be vertical (portrait).
-It must be laminated in clear plastic.

- Font: Arial

- The font size should NOT be less than 24 pt. In addition:

Poster title: 80 pt
Author(s) and Affiliation: 54 pt
Titles of sections: 48 pt
Text characters: 28 pt

- A poster is not expected to compress all the information the author would like to provide. A poster supplies a visually attractive outline, to be supplemented orally by the author during the poster session.  

- It is advisable to use graphic resources that promote understanding, such as graphs, arrows, diagrams, and pictures. A poster has a "visual" component that should attract attention.

-For more information on how to make a poster, please refer to any reliable source with advice. One possible recommendation is: